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Production of Cream Liqueurs
Cream liqueurs are an emulsion of cream with an alcoholic spirit such as brandy, whisky, vodka, etc. Which may be in¡¦ |
Processed Cheese
Processed Cheese is a blend of cheese, water and other permitted additional ingredients (depending on legislation) such¡¦ |
Preparation of Ice Cream Mixes
Ice cream mixes are formulated from either whole milk, skim milk, cream, or in some cases water, with a number of added¡¦ |
Refining of Edible Oils
Edible oils obtained from coconut, corn, cottonseed, olive, palm, peanut, soybean, sunflower, etc., contain gums and¡¦ |
Hydration of Xanthan Gum
Xanthan gum (E415) is a polysaccharide widely used for its thickening and stabilizing effect on emulsions and¡¦ |
Deagglomerating Batter Mixes
The installation of a Silverson In-Line mixer has solved production problems for a major food processor. They¡¦ |
Mayonnaise Manufacture
Large scale production is normally carried out using plant specifically designed for mayonnaise manufacture. This¡¦ |
Preparation of Mustards
Mustards are made in a variety of forms, with various flavors and textures. They can however be divided into two basic¡¦ |
How to mix Guar Gum
Guar Gum (E412) is readily soluble in cold water, forming a high viscosity solution at low concentrations which increases in viscosity as temperature rises. ¡¦ |
Manufacture of Pesticides
Pesticides can be categorized into several groups - Fungicide, Herbicide, Insecticide, etc. There are many different¡¦ |
Preparation of Paper Coatings
Paper coatings impart a variety of properties, both decorative (whiteness, opacity, etc.) and functional (smoothness¡¦ |
Preparation of Drilling Fluids
Drilling fluids (or drilling muds) have several functions, including carrying bore cuttings to the surface, cooling and¡¦ |
Redispersion of Filter Cake
The solid material obtained from filtration or centrifugation of a suspension is called filter cake. This usually¡¦ |
Dispersion of Fumed Silica
Fumed Silica (also called colloidal silica) is a fluffy white powder with an extremely low density, marketed under¡¦ |
Lipstick Manufacture
Lipsticks consist of a pigment dispersed into a mixture of oils and waxes. The range of pigments and other raw¡¦ |
Nail Varnish Manufacture
Nail varnish (also called nail polish or enamel) is a lacquer consisting of ingredients as illustrated in the table¡¦ |
Manufacture of Shampoos
Shampoos are a mixture of surfactants, conditioning agents, and many other ingredients in an aqueous base. In addition¡¦ |
Manufacture of Toothpaste
Nail varnish (also called nail polish or enamel) is a lacquer consisting of ingredients as illustrated in the table¡¦ |
Mixing of Sterile Ingredients
To respond to legislative and customer requirements, the pharmaceutical industry is having to demand ever increasing¡¦ |
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