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Food (½ÄÇ°)

Preparation of Samples for Aflatoxin Testing
Aflatoxins are produced by various types of molds which can grow on foodstuffs such as pistachio nuts, peanuts,¡¦
Dispersion of Filter Aid Powders
Before racking into containers most beer, particularly lager, is filtered to remove yeast and other solid matter in¡¦¡¦
Preparation of Isinglass Finings
Lager beer is brewed using ¡°bottom fermenting¡± yeast which sinks during fermentation. A storage period follows to¡¦
Production of Cream Liqueurs
Cream liqueurs are an emulsion of cream with an alcoholic spirit such as brandy, whisky, vodka, etc. Which may be in¡¦
Dispersion of Beer Foam Head Retaining Agents
Ingredients such as propylene glycol alginate (PGA) may be added to beer to stabilize the foam head and to aid¡¦
Manufacture of Baby Milk and Infant Formula
Baby milk or infant formula is primarily used as a substitute for human milk. Other uses include Follow-up products¡¦
Processed Cheese
Processed Cheese is a blend of cheese, water and other permitted additional ingredients (depending on legislation) such¡¦
Production of Flavored Milk Drinks
Flavored milk drinks are available in many varieties. Viscosities range from that of whole milk, to thick milkshake¡¦¡¦
Preparation of Ice Cream Mixes
Ice cream mixes are formulated from either whole milk, skim milk, cream, or in some cases water, with a number of added¡¦
Ice Cream Manufacture -- Hydration of Stabilizers and Emulsifiers
Stabilizers and Emulsifiers make up only a small proportion of an ice cream mix (typically no more than 1%) but¡¦
Preparation of Margarine and Low Fat Spreads
Margarine is a blend of around 80% vegetable oil or animal fat, and 20% water with added salt, flavorings, color and¡¦
Premixes for Mousses and other Aerated Desserts
A mousse is typically a dessert which has set with a light foam-like consistency. This structure is obtained by the¡¦
Manufacture of Sweetened Condensed Milk
Sweetened condensed milk (SCM) is concentrated milk to which sugar has been added to act as a preservative. It differs¡¦
Preparation of Premixes for Yogurt and Other Cultured Milk Desserts
Yogurts (and other cultured milk desserts) are produced by fermentation of milk by the addition of certain types of¡¦
Soft Drink Manufacture - Dispersion of Artificial Sweeteners
Low Calorie, Sugar-free or Diet soft drinks are formulated with artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame¡¦
Manufacture of Cloud Emulsions for Soft Drinks
Clouding agents are used in soft drink manufacture to give a more natural appearance to products with a low juice¡¦
Soft Drink Manufacture - Dispersion/Hydration of Functional Ingredients
Ingredients such as gums, starches, alginates, etc., are found in many soft drinks including fruit juices, concentrated¡¦
Soft Drink Manufacture - Preparation of Sugar Syrups
The sugar content of carbonated and still soft drinks varies considerably according to whether the product is to be¡¦
High Speed Reclamation of Confectionery
Confectionery may require reclamation or reworking for a number of reasons; When high speed production lines stop¡¦
Refining of Edible Oils
Edible oils obtained from coconut, corn, cottonseed, olive, palm, peanut, soybean, sunflower, etc., contain gums and¡¦
Production of Flavor Emulsions
Flavor emulsions are used in a wide range of foods, carbonated soft drinks and dairy products¡¦
Dispersion of Pectin for Jellies and Preserves
Pectin is a polysaccharide obtained from a variety of fruits. It is used as a thickening and gelling agent in a wide¡¦
Hydration of Xanthan Gum
Xanthan gum (E415) is a polysaccharide widely used for its thickening and stabilizing effect on emulsions and¡¦
Preparation of Batter and Coating Mixes
Batter mixes are widely used as a coating for deep-fried foods and in many other products including cakes, doughnuts,¡¦
Deagglomerating Batter Mixes
The installation of a Silverson In-Line mixer has solved production problems for a major food processor. They¡¦
Preparation of Brines for the Meat Industry
A number of functional ingredients are added to meat to act as preservatives, flavoring, coloring, etc. These are¡¦
Preparation of Petfood Gravies and Gels
Most tinned dog and cat food is based on a slurry of meat or meat derivatives and cereals. Some products also contain¡¦
Mayonnaise Manufacture
Large scale production is normally carried out using plant specifically designed for mayonnaise manufacture. This¡¦
Preparation of Mustards
Mustards are made in a variety of forms, with various flavors and textures. They can however be divided into two basic¡¦
Production of Salad Dressings
There are many products which could be described as salad dressings, including many sauces. There are further¡¦
Manufacture of Tomato Sauces and Ketchups
Tomato sauces are used in many products including frozen foods, pasta sauces and pizza toppings, etc. A typical tomato¡¦
How to mix Guar Gum
Guar Gum (E412) is readily soluble in cold water, forming a high viscosity solution at low concentrations which increases in viscosity as temperature rises. ¡¦

Chemical (È­ÇÐ)

Manufacture of Pesticides
Pesticides can be categorized into several groups - Fungicide, Herbicide, Insecticide, etc. There are many different¡¦
Refining of Vegetable Oils for Biofuels
There is considerable growth in the use of vegetable oils such as palm, rape seed, soybean, sunflower, etc., as an¡¦¡¦
High Speed Dissolving of Viscosity Index Improvers in Luboils
Luboils, in common with most fluids, experience reduced viscosity at high operating temperatures. This results in a¡¦
Preparation of Paper Coatings
Paper coatings impart a variety of properties, both decorative (whiteness, opacity, etc.) and functional (smoothness¡¦
Production of Polymer Modified Asphalt for Road Surfacing
Polymer modified asphalt is increasingly used in road surfacing. Unmodified asphalt is sensitive to extremes in¡¦
Preparation of Drilling Fluids
Drilling fluids (or drilling muds) have several functions, including carrying bore cuttings to the surface, cooling and¡¦
Manufacture of Ink Jet Coding & Marking Inks
Inks for bar coding, batch numbering, use-by date marking and other identification purposes are used in many industries¡¦
Redispersion of Filter Cake
The solid material obtained from filtration or centrifugation of a suspension is called filter cake. This usually¡¦
Polymer/Pigment Dispersion in Textile Manufacture
A textile manufacturer was faced with a dramatic increase in demand for one of their most popular products which¡¦
High Speed Dispersion of Titanium Dioxide
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is chemically inert and has exceptional opacity and whiteness. These properties have led to its¡¦
High Speed Dispersion of Bentonite
Bentonite is a naturally occurring aluminum silicate clay which can take up several times its own weight of water to¡¦
Dispersion of Fumed Silica
Fumed Silica (also called colloidal silica) is a fluffy white powder with an extremely low density, marketed under¡¦
Xanthan gum in Chemical Applications
Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide widely used for its thickening and stabilizing effect on emulsions and suspension,¡¦¡¦
Preparation of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Solutions
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA, sometimes referred to as PVOH) is a water soluble polymer used widely in adhesives, paints,¡¦¡¦

Cosmetics (È­ÀåÇ°)

Dispersion and Hydration of Carbopol¢ç
Carbopol¢ç is a water soluble vinyl polymer, used as an emulsifying, stabilizing, suspending, thickening and gelling¡¦
Production of Cosmetic Creams and Lotions
Cosmetic creams and lotions are used for a variety of purposes such as cleansing and moisturizing. The ingredients of¡¦
Manufacture of Sun Tan Creams and Lotions
The formulation of sun tan creams is a complex science. Due to increased demand for higher sun protection factors¡¦
Manufacture of Deodorants and Antiperspirants
A deodorant stops odor by killing skin bacteria with biocides and masking odor through fragrance. An antiperspirant¡¦
Dilution of High Active Surfacants
Surfactants such as Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES) are widely used in shampoo, bubble bath, liquid detergent and other¡¦
Lipstick Manufacture
Lipsticks consist of a pigment dispersed into a mixture of oils and waxes. The range of pigments and other raw¡¦
Nail Varnish Manufacture
Nail varnish (also called nail polish or enamel) is a lacquer consisting of ingredients as illustrated in the table¡¦
Manufacture of Shampoos
Shampoos are a mixture of surfactants, conditioning agents, and many other ingredients in an aqueous base. In addition¡¦
Manufacture of Toothpaste
Nail varnish (also called nail polish or enamel) is a lacquer consisting of ingredients as illustrated in the table¡¦
How to Manufacture Hand Sanitisers
Hand sanitisers are liquids, gels or foams used to eliminate bacteria and viruses, etc.¡¦
Pharmaceutical (Á¦¾à)

Production of Pharmaceutical Cream and Ointments
Pharmaceutical preparations for treatment of conditions such as rashes, skin irritation, stings, fungal infections,¡¦¡¦
Production of Cough Mixtures and Pharmaceutical Syrups
Traditional cough mixtures are formulated around a syrup at 60-75% concentration which is made from sucrose,¡¦¡¦
Manufacture of Ophthalmic and Contact Lens Solutions
Contact lens solutions include different products which perform a range of functions including cleaning, disinfecting,¡¦
Mixing of Sterile Ingredients
To respond to legislative and customer requirements, the pharmaceutical industry is having to demand ever increasing¡¦
Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Tablet Coatings
Pharmaceutical tablets are given a coating for a number of reasons:
To improve the appearance and aid¡¦

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