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Ambr¢ç 15 Cell Culture Generation 2 - 24 well
Ambr¢ç 15 Cell Culture Generation 2 - 48 well
Amber¢ç 15 Microbioreactor Vessel
1. Gas Sparge Tube
2. Sample port with cap
3. pH and DO sensor spots
4. Impeller
Cat. No.
Ambr¢ç 15 Cell Culture Generation 2, 24 well °ßÀû¿äû
Ambr¢ç 15 Cell Culture Generation 2, 48 well °ßÀû¿äû
ÀÚ¼¼ÇÑ ¼³¸í°ú Á¦Ç°»ç¾çÀº Ä«´Ù·Î±×¸¦ ÂüÁ¶ÇϽʽÿä.
Ambr¢ç 15 Cell Culture Generation 2 Ä«´Ù·Î±× [¿µ¹®]

´ÙÀ½°ú °°Àº ¸ñÀû¿¡ »ç¿ëµÇ´Â microbioreactor
- Clone Selection
- Media and Feed Optimization
- Process Optimization
- Development of Advanced Cell Therapies
Ambr¢ç 15 ´Â À¯ÀüÀÚÄ¡·á, ¼¼Æ÷Ä¡·á, bispecifics (2ÁßƯÀ̼ºÇ×ü), Â÷¼¼´ë ¹é½Å ±×¸®°í antibody-drug conjugate (Ç×ü¾à¹°Á¢ÇÕü) ¿Í °°Àº »õ·Î¿î ºÐ¾ßÀÇ ¿¬±¸ °³¹ß¿¡ ³Î¸® »ç¿ëµÇ°í ÀÖ´Ù.
Cell Line °³¹ß °øÁ¤¿¡¼­ °¡Àå Áß¿äÇÑ ´Ü°èÀÎ Clone Selection ½ÇÇè¿¡ Ambr¢ç 15 bioreactor °¡ Àü¼¼°èÀûÀ¸·Î °¡Àå ¸¹ÀÌ »ç¿ëµÇ°í ÀÖ´Ù.
Class II Biosafety Cabinet ¾È¿¡ ¼³Ä¡ÇÏ¿© »ç¿ë
ƯÁ¤ÀÇ clone °ú strain À» À§ÇÑ °øÁ¤ °³¹ß¿¡ À¯¿ëÇÑ Tool
10 ~ 15 ml ÀÇ working volume À» °¡Áø 24°³ ¶Ç´Â 48°³ÀÇ Ambr¢ç 15 microbioreactor vessel À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© 24°³ ¶Ç´Â 48°³ÀÇ ¼¼Æ÷¸¦ µ¿½Ã¿¡ ¹è¾çÇÏ´Â ½Ã½ºÅÛ
ÀüÀÚµ¿À¸·Î ÀÛµ¿ÇÏ´Â Liquid Handling Platform À» ±â¹ÝÀ¸·Î ÇÏ¿© ¼¼Æ÷¹è¾ç¿¡ ÇÊ¿äÇÑ liquid ¸¦ media ¿¡ °ø±Þ
Ambr¢ç 15 ´Â Àü¼¼°èÀÇ ½ÇÇè½Ç¿¡¼­ »ç¿ëµÇ´Â °¡Àå Ç¥ÁØÀûÀÎ microbioreactor system
½ÇÇè´ç ºñ¿ëÀÌ °¡Àå Àú·ÅÇÑ bioreactor
Workstation, Liquid Handler, Microbioreactor vessel ·Î ±¸¼º
Ambr ¢ç15 Workstation
bioreactor ¿¡ °¡ÇØÁö´Â ¿ÂµµÀÇ ¹üÀ§¿¡ µû¶ó standard configuration °ú cooled configuration ¼±ÅÃ
- Standard Configuration : 33 ~ 40¡É
- Cooled Configuration : 20 ~ 40¡É
°¢ bioreactor vessel ÀÇ pH ¿Í DO ´Â °³º°Àû µ¶¸³ÀûÀ¸·Î Á¶Àý
Closed-loop control ¹æ½Ä : Á¶ÀýÀ» À§ÇØ ¼³Á¤µÇ¾î ÀÖ´Â pH ¿Í DO °ª°ú vessel ¿¡¼­ Àü´ÞµÇ´Â pH ¿Í DO °ªÀ» ºñ±³ÇÏ¿© pH ¿Í DO °ªÀ» ¸ÂÃß±â À§ÇØ ¿©·¯°¡Áö factor ¸¦ Á¶ÀýÇÏ´Â ¹æ¹ýÀ¸·Î control ÇÏ´Â ¹æ½Ä
°¢ vessel ÀÇ O2, CO2 ±×¸®°í N2 ´Â °¢°¢ °³º°ÀûÀ¸·Î Á¶Àý
°¢ vessel ÀÇ ¿Âµµ¿Í stirring °ªÀº »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ Á÷Á¢ ¼³Á¤
stirring range : 150 - 2000 rpm
»ç¿ëÇÑ tip À» ¸ðÀ¸´Â ÅëÀº µÎ °¡Áö Å©±âÀÇ »çÀÌÁî·Î Á¦°ø
Ambr ¢ç15 Liquid Handler
¼¼Æ÷¹è¾çÁß¿¡ ÀÖ´Â vessel ¿¡ liquid ¸¦ ÅõÀÔÇϰųª ¹è¾ç¾×À» harvest ÇÏ´Â °úÁ¤ µîÀ» ÀüÀÚµ¿À¸·Î ÁøÇàÇÏ´Â Liquid Handling Robotics
1ml ¿Í 5ml sterile pipette tip À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© media, feed, reagents ¸¦ ºÐÁÖ
1ml pipette tip À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© microbioreactor ·Î ºÎÅÍ sample À» take out
´Ù¼Ò ¸¹Àº ¾çÀÇ ¹è¾ç¾×À» microbioreactor ·Î ºÎÅÍ Á¦°ÅÇÒ °æ¿ì¿¡´Â Rapid Vessel Drain (option) À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© ½Å¼ÓÈ÷ Á¦°Å
Vessel Cap °ú Tip Åë µÎ²± ±×¸®°í Well Plate µÎ²±À» open ÇÏ°í close ÇÏ´Â ±â´É
Ambr ¢ç15 Microreactor Vessel
10 ~ 15ml working volume
ÀÏȸ¿ë pH ¿Í DO ¼¾¼­
pitch blade impeller ÀåÂø
liquid addition °ú sampling ¿¡ »ç¿ëµÇ´Â sample port
gas ¸¦ media ¿¡ ÅõÀÔÇÏ´Â µ¥ »ç¿ëµÇ´Â sparge tube

New Workstation
New Liquid Handler
media, feed ±×¸®°í reagents ¸¦ microbioreactor vessel ¶Ç´Â deck ÀÇ Æ¯Á¤ À§Ä¡·Î À̼۽ÃÅ°´Â ±â´É°ú microbioreactor ¿¡ ÀÖ´Â ¹è¾ç¾×À» sampling ÇÏ´Â ±â´ÉÀ» °¡Áö°í ÀÖÀ¸¸ç ¸Å¿ì Á¤È®ÇÑ ¾çÀ» ó¸®ÇÑ´Ù.     ¿©±â¿¡´Â 1ml, 5ml tip À» picking ÇÏ´Â Pipette Madrel, microbioreactor ÀÇ cap À» ¿­¾îÁÖ´Â decapper ±×¸®°í Plate ÀÇ µÎ²±À» ¿­¾îÁÖ´Â Plate Delidder ÀåÄ¡°¡ ÀÖ´Ù.
New Large Tip Bin
»ç¿ëÇÑ microtip À» ¸ðÀ¸´Â ¸Å¿ì Å« tip Æó±âÅëÀÌ ÀÖ¾î »ùÇ÷®ÀÌ ¸¹¾Æµµ Æí¸®ÇÏ°Ô »ç¿ë
New Culture Station
°¢ culture station ¿¡´Â 12 °³ÀÇ microbioreactor °¡ ÀÖÀ¸¸ç Àåºñ¿¡´Â 2°³ (24 bioreactor) ¶Ç´Â 4°³ (48 bioreactor) ÀÇ station ÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù. °¢ reactor ÀÇ pH ¿Í DO ´Â °¢°¢ µ¶¸³ÀûÀ¸·Î control µÇ¾îÁø´Ù.
New Labware Lid Locations
Àåºñ´Â pipette tip °ú well plate ÀÇ µÎ²±À» ¿¬ ´ÙÀ½ liquid transfer ÀÛ¾÷À» ¼öÇàÇÏ°í ´Ù½Ã µÎ²±À» ¿ø·¡ÀÇ ÀÚ¸®¿¡ À§Ä¡½ÃŲ´Ù.
New Flexible Deck
pipette tip box, well plate, tip box lid ±×¸®°í plate lid ÀÇ À§Ä¡¸¦ »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ÀÚÀ¯·Ó°Ô ¼±Á¤°¡´ÉÇÏ¿© °øÁ¤¼³Á¤¿¡ ¸Å¿ì Æí¸®ÇÏ´Ù. 24 microbioreactor system ¿¡´Â 6°³ÀÇ flexible position, 48 microbioreactor system ¿¡´Â 9°³ÀÇ flexible position ÀÌ ÀÖ´Ù.
New Rapid Vessel Drain
bioreactor ¿¡ ÀÖ´Â »ç¿ëÇÑ media ¸¦ pipette mandrel ¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© ½Å¼ÓÇÏ°Ô Á¦°ÅÇÏ´Â »õ·Î¿î Vessel Drain ÀåÄ¡ (option).     ÀÌ ¿É¼ÇÀÇ ±â´ÉÀº passaging of cell culture (°è´ë¹è¾ç), media exchange, perfusion process µîÀÇ ÀÛ¾÷¿¡ Æí¸®ÇÏ°Ô »ç¿ë °¡´ÉÇÏ´Ù.
New Software Application
Ambr¢ç software ´Â ½ÇÇèÀ» µðÀÚÀÎÇÏ°í, °úÁ¤À» monitoring ¹× control ÇÏ°í, °øÁ¤ data ¸¦ ±â·ÏÇÏ°í ºÐ¼®ÇÏ´Â ±â´ÉÀ» ÇÑ´Ù. »õ·Î¿î software ¿¡´Â media mixing, passaging ±×¸®°í Rapid Vessel Drain ÀÛ¾÷ ±â´ÉÀÌ Ãß°¡µÇ¾î ÀÖ´Ù.     1³âµ¿¾È ½ÃÇèÀûÀ¸·Î »ç¿ëÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Â Clone Selection Software (Umetrics¢ç) °¡ ³»Àå.

Flexible Deck
The Flexible Deck ´Â »ç¿ëÀÚÀÇ ÇÊ¿ä¿¡ µû¶ó Ç¥ÁØÀûÀ¸·Î »ç¿ëµÇ´Â ¾Æ·¡¿Í °°Àº Tip Box, Plate µîÀÇ À§Ä¡¸¦ ÀÚÀ¯·Ó°Ô ±¸¼ºÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.
- 1-well, 4-well, 24-well or 96-well plates
- Cell counter sample cups
- 1mL pipette tip boxes
- 5 mL pipette tip boxes
- Tip box lids
- Plate lids

Ambr¢ç 15 automated microscale bioreactor

(ÁÖ)¿µÁøÄÚÆÛ·¹ÀÌ¼Ç   |   ´ëÇ¥ : ÀÌÇü¿­   |   »ç¾÷ÀÚµî·Ï¹øÈ£ : 138-81-34745
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