Microfluidizer Á¾ÇÕÄ«´Ù·Î±×

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Industry : Biotechnology / Pharmaceutical
Product : E. Coli solution
Test Objective : Achieve a high degree of cell disruption
Processor : M-110EH     (Microfluidizer High Shear Processor Àåºñº¸±â)
Chambers : - Interaction Chamber (downstream) H10Z
- Auxiliary Processing Module (upstream) H30Z
Number of passes : 1
Shear per pass : 4,800,000 sec -1
Process pressure : 18,000 psi (1,241 bar)
Summary of results : Estimated that greater than 95% cell disruption was achieved after 1 pass at 18,000 psi using an M-110EH Microfluidizer materials processeo.
(pdf È­ÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå)

Before Processing (Magnification 1000 X, 1 division = 1 micron)
1 Pass (Magnification 1000 X, 1 division = 1 micron)

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