Microfluidizer Á¾ÇÕÄ«´Ù·Î±× |
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¿µÁøÄÚÆÛ·¹ÀÌ¼Ç Á¾ÇÕÄ«´Ù·Î±× |
Industry : |
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Chemical |
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Product : |
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Organic calcium salt in submicron particles 38% solids |
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Process : |
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Acid - Base reaction |
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Reactants : |
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Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] slurry and a fatty acid melt at 65-85oC; reactant streams are immiscible |
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Processor : |
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Microfluidics     (Microfluidizer High Shear Processor Àåºñº¸±â) |
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Chambers : |
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- Interaction Chamber (upstream) F20Y (75um)
- Auxiliary Processing Module (downstream) H30Z (200um) |
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Number of passes : |
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1-2 |
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Shear per pass : |
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6,800,000 sec-1 |
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Process pressure : |
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23,000 psi |
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Median Particle size : |
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D50 = 367 nm |
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Summary of results : |
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Reaction was complete in 1 pass; product was a suspension with median particle size of 367nm
(pdf ÈÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå) |
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