Microfluidizer Á¾ÇÕÄ«´Ù·Î±× |
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¿µÁøÄÚÆÛ·¹ÀÌ¼Ç Á¾ÇÕÄ«´Ù·Î±× |
Industry : |
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Pharmaceutical |
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Product : |
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Budesonide |
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Test Objective : |
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Produce a stable suspension with a mean particle size below 2.0 um |
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Processor : |
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M-110Y     (Microfluidizer High Shear Processor Àåºñº¸±â) |
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Chambers : |
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Interaction Chamber (downstream) G10Z (87 um)
Auxiliary Processing Module (upstream) H30Z (200 um) |
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Number of passes : |
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8 |
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Shear per pass : |
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5,200,000 sec -1> |
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Process pressure : |
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18,000 psi |
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Particle size : |
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- Premix : 15.733 um
- 8 Passes : 1.051 um |
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Summary of results : |
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The Microfluidizer materials processor reduced the particle size to 1.051 um after 8 passes at 18,000 psi.
(pdf ÈÀÏ ´Ù¿î·Îµå) |
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