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Acetobacer Suboxydans completely disrupted in a few seconds
Acrinomyces 3 minutes disruption produced excellent disruption with 50% protein released and excellent enzyme activity.
Actinomycin D suspended or dissolved in 3 minutes.
Aerobacter Aerogenes excellent breakage with better enzyme release than any other method. A low power setting can release sulfatase activity into the supernate with no obvious disruption of the majority of cells.
Alkaloids total amount as well as speed of extraction is greater using ultrasonic disruption. 30 seconds processing of ipecac root yielded more alkaloid than Soxhlet extraction in 5 hours.
Antibioticus monocellular elements from surface-grown colonies obtained in 1 minute, 50% disruption in 2 minutes, completely disrupted in 5 minutes
Antigen ultrasonic processing is extensively used to produce antigens and vaccines, either to increase yield or expose otherwise unobtainable sites
Antigen/Antibody Complexes broken apart using ultrasonic disruption.
Aorta 1gm completely disintegrated in 2 minutes
Aphanomyces after blending, completely disrupted in 3 minutes
Arthrobacter Tumescens 10gm in 40ml disrupted in 5 minutes for 0 coumaric reductose.
Ascaris Eggs concentrated solutions, 8ml, complete breakage in 3 ¨ö minutes.
Asperigillus completely disrupted in 4 minutes
Aurefaciens moncellular elements from surface-grown colonies obtained in 1 minute, 50% disruption in 2 minutes, completely disrupted n 5 minutes.
Azotobacter Vinelandii 15ml buffered solution, 200 mg wet weight per ml, completely disrupted in 2 minutes
Bacillus stereothermophulus (Thermophillic spore form) 98% disruption of 70ml of 40% suspension in 15 minutes
Bacteroides Symbiosis 1 phosphofructokinase, a soluble enzyme has been isolated from this anaerobe by ultrasonic treatment. A 25 ml suspension was disrupted for 10 minutes and centrifuged at 36,000 xg for 10 minutes.
B. Anthraces 80% disruption in 4 minutes. 10 ml of eryisipelothris rhusipathiae was completely disrupted in 10 minutes.
B. Cereus Veg Cells completely disrupted in a few seconds.
B. Cereus Spores disruption in 6 ml, 13 minutes
B. Megaterium Spores concentrated 6 ml solution, complete breakage in 15 minutes.
B. Stereothermophillis Spores completely disrupted in 2 minutes.
B. Stubtilis Cells heavy suspension clears in 1 minute
Baker¡¯s Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisia) 9 gm pressed yeast in 18 ml buffer, completely disrupted in 8 minutes. Protein release, 52 mg/ml from an aged sample.
Blastomyces Dermatitidis 95% disruption in 3 minutes
Blood Cells red and white cells can be disrupted in a few seconds.
Boil Weevil Tissue complete homogenization in a few seconds
Bone compact bone can be ultrasonically processed for microscopic sections in minutes as opposed to several days or even a week of other methods. Bone specimens treated in this way yielded large numbers of intact cells with little distortion. Malignant criteria were easily recognized. Tumor types studied were osteosaroma, chondrosarcoma, liposarcoma, chordoma, metastatic bronchogenic squamous and benign giant. Bone can be decalcified without injury to the cells in a short time, processed for microscopic sections, and diagnosed. Other methods require extensive treatment time.
Brain Stem and Adrenal Gland dispersion of 10 mg samples in 10 ml fluid, normally difficult without substantial loss of material. Suspension analyzed for nucleotides
Brain Tissue completely disrupted instantly
Brevi Bacterium Acetylicum approximately 3 minutes to disrupt large samples and measure TCA enzyme activity
Brine Shrimp completely disrupted in 1 minute
Brucella Abortes easily separated from leukocytes. At least 9 antigens extracted
Bull Sperm contractile protein more easily extractable from tails after disruption
C. Butyricum vegetative cells easily disrupted
C. Cylinrosporum vegetative cells easily disrupted.
C. Kluyveri vegetative cells easily disrupted
C. Pasteurianum 3 minutes disruption for hydrogen¡¯s reducing Ferredoxin with H2.
Calcium mouse Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were disrupted for 1 minute to determine the amount of bound calcium present. Cells were labeled with calcium 45.
Candida Albicans Spores 95% disruption in 35 minutes, 15ml solution, ¨ö gm dry weight.
Carbon Black excellent small particles suspension and deagglomeration
Caryophanon Latum disruption yields glucosamine, muramic acid, alanine, glutamic acid and lysine.
Catecholamine can be extracted from heart muscle through disruption
Cellumonas Biazotea disruption obtained with retention of malate dehydrogenase activity
Chemical (and Physical) Reactions accelerated by ultrasonic disruption, as are enzymatic processes.
Chicken Sperm 30 ml completely disrupted in 2 minutes
Chlorella 10 ml completely disrupted in 3 minutes
Chloroplasts disrupted in a few seconds
Cholesterol apparent permanent suspension in 1 minute in water
Chromatography prior ultrasonic treatment of absorbent in any convenient solvent for a few seconds eliminates aggregates and results in a uniform, easily packed column.
Clostridium completely disrupts all types
Coagulase-Globulin disruption before precipitation yields much more enzyme
Collagen an excellent fragmentation
Colletotrichum Capsici Spores 5 ml with 5 million spores/ml, completely disrupted in 4 minutes.
Corticosteroid particle size can be reduced to approximately 5 microns. Large volumes can be treated at the rate of approximately 30 ml/minute on a continuous flow basis
Corynebacterium completely disrupted in 4 minutes with 50% protein release and excellent enzyme activity
Cryptococus Laurentii completely disrupted in 7 minutes with good protein release and enzyme activity
Crypostroma Corticale (Maple Bark Spores) concentrated 6 cc solution, completely disrupted in 14 minutes.
Crystal Reduction large crystals of an organic compound suspended in isopropanol can be reduced in diameter by 10 to 40%
Cyanidium Caldarium concentrated 5 ml solution completely disrupted in 6 minutes.
Decalcify bone may be decalcified without injury to the cells, processed for microscopic sections, and diagnosed in a short time . as opposed to several days or even a week by other methods
Dental Plaques 5 ml solution, concentration 1 to 10,000, low power setting, 53,500,000 organisms per ml were obtained in 45 seconds
Desulfovibrio Vulgaris in less than 30 seconds TCA enzymes were released
Diplococcus completely disrupted in 5 minutes
DNA breaks chains on low power instantly. Controlled degradation may be obtained
Dyes excellent rapid dispersion and homogenization.
E. Coli 2 gm wet weight in 10 ml solution, completely disrupted in 40 seconds
Egg Whites can be reduced to homogenous, pipettable solution in 15 seconds on low power.
Ehrlich Ascites completely disrupted in a few seconds
Electron Microscopy used to clean apertures
Embryonic Duodenum a 1 ml sample is easily homogenized in 15 seconds with a microtip.
Emulsions 10 ml of most light mixtures become semi-permanent emulsions in about 1 minute without emulsifiers; average particle size is usually well under 1 micron. Sterile emulsions can be prepared by ultrasonic treatment for feeding to germ-free animals.
Enterococcus excellent disruption
Erwina Cartovara completely disrupted in 1-2 minutes depending on cell concentration.
Erythrocytes easily disrupted in a few seconds
Euglena Gracilis completely disrupted in a few seconds to isolate chloroplasts
Eugoena 90 % disruption in 8 minutes with pigment released. Completely disrupted in 12 minutes
Extraction excellent for oils, fats, and lipids, alkaloids
Fasciola Hepatica completely disrupted in less than 1 minute
Fat Extraction fat may be emulsified without injuring tissue with proper power selection. Lipid layer can be stripped from spores and mycrobacteria
Fibrin complete suspension ¨û gm in 30 minutes
Fish Gill 20 mg completely disrupted in 30 seconds.
Fish Tissue tissue homogenization for extractions, excellent particle size reduction, 8 minutes per 10 gm.
Fluorocarbons extended treatment time will break down particle size to well under 1 micron and gives a fine homogenate
Fossils low power will clean debris from delicate fossils without injury. Micro fossils such as pollen can be separated from rocks to help identify the geological age of the strata. Removal of rock matrix
Fuel Oil and Water permanent emulsions without wetting agent can be formed on continuous flow basis
Gamma Globulin ultrasonic disruption is used to solubilize protein as one of the steps in the biosynthesis of gamma globulin from rabbit spleen
Gangliosides immunochemical and structure studies were aided by an ultrasonic treatment as one step during the procedure
Gastric Musosa placing scrapings into a test tube immersed in Cup Horn permitted these cells to be separated and not broken
Germ Free ultrasonic disruption is a good method for preparing serile emulsions fed to germ free animals
Graphite Molybdenum Disulfide an excellent dispersion of this lubricant was made in silicate binder
Guanine produced colloidal suspension in 1 minute
Gymnodinium completely disrupted 10 ml solution in 6 minutes
Heart Muscle completely disrupted 1 gm in 6 minutes
HeLa Cells disrupted to free virus in a few seconds without injury
Hemophilus Pertussis prepared an immunological compound
Herpes Virus may be quickly released without injury.
Histoplasma Capsulatum disruption for 7 minutes completely ruptured cells prepared by formalin fixation. Good enzyme activity was obtained
Human Serum Proteins ultrasonic disruption caused a reproducible change in the elctrophoretic behavior of normal human serum consistiong of an increase in material of migrating in the x and b globulin zones with a reduction in the albumin and y globulin fractions
Hydrocortisone smaller crystals were produced by disruption.
Hydrophilic Vegetable Gums dispersed and solubilized hydrophilic vegetable gums in water, made dispersions of added particulate matter.
Intracellular Membrane disruption and particle size reduction obtained in 30-60 seconds.
Isoenzymes selectively activated with respect to time and intensity of treatment
Kidney completely disrupted 1gm in 3 minutes
Kidney Stones easily broken in seconds in vitro
Klebsiella excellent disruption
Lactobacillus completely disrupted 0.5 gm in 15 ml in 11 minutes. Excellent release of acetokinase.
L. Arabinosis completely disrupted to free virus in 2 minutes without injury
Leuconostoc Mesenteroides disrupted in 15 minutes using high power
Leukocyte Lysozme Activity in Myelocytic Leukemia the cell suspension was processed ultrasonically and samples assayed for lysozyme activity. The lysozyme concentration of the leukocytes ug/106 cells were determined.
Linoleic Acid made suspension in water in 30 seconds
Lipid Vesicles excellent results preparing small, unilamellar phospholipids vesicles with cup horn as well as by direct probe contact
Liver Tissue 1 gm was homogenized in less than 1 minute
Lung Tissue 1 gm was homogenized in 2 minutes
Lymphacytis completely disrupted in 15 seconds
Lymphocyte Nuclei completely disrupted in 6 minutes
Lymphography direct injection lymphography with a modified radiopaque emulsion was obtained by ultrasonic disruption producing lymphatic structure detail
Lysosomes released enzymes quickly
Malaria Protozoa completely disrupted in seconds
Maple Bark Spores completely disrupted in 14 minutes
Measles disruption of virus (measles) antigen clumps present in infected cells on low power. Ultrasonic processing increased antigen titer 4-8 fold.
Methanobacillus Omelianskii completely disrupted for assaying methane. 1 gm cells wet weight/ml of 0.5M, in 2 minutes
Microbacterium Lacticum ultrasonic treatment used for malate dehydrogenease extraction.
Micrococci completely disrupted 13 ml solution in 15 minutes
Micrococcus Lactiliticus 75 ml of 20% suspension was disrupted in 15 minutes. A good yield of the enzymes Xanthine dihydrogenase was extracted
Mineral Rock excellent for cleaning surfaces between polishing stages
Mitochondria separated from cells without injury. Mitochondria themselves can be broken with longer disruption. Inner membrane sub units also isolated.
Muscle Tissue 1 gm homogenized in 4 minutes; heart muscle 6 minutes
Mycobacteia 20 ml growing media completely disrupted in 14 minutes. Clumps broken quickly. Prepared an immunological compound
Mycoplasma Antibody a suspension of Campo-W cells treated for 5 minutes gave 12 lines with the sera in a gel diffusion test. The extract was estimated to contain 12.75 mg protein per ml by Blaret reaction
Myeloma Tumor Cells completely disrupted in 10 minutes. 30% disruption in 2 minutes.
Myleran made colloidal suspension and dissolved in approximately 1 minute
Naegleri Gruberi this free-living soil amoeba was processed to release subcellular infectious material
N. Crassa nuclease was isolated and purified from conidial extracts after 5 minutes treatment
Neurospora 40 ml processed 4 minutes produced more protein than freeze thawing for study of enzymatic synthesis of cystathionine.
Nocardia Ostenodes disrupted in less than 10 minutes
Nucleoprotein extracted from tissue. May be degraded selectively.
Oil and Water Emulsions permanent, stable emulsions in a few seconds. Particle size reduced to less than ¨ö micron (each case slightly different). Oil-in-water-water-in-oil phases can be obtained in same vessel. Continuous flow process is available.
Oyster Shell small clean hole can be drilled with microtip in 3 minutes without cracking.
Paracolon completely disrupted
Parasites easily separated from red cells in a few seconds
Pasteurella Pestis completely disrupted 20 ml in 30 minutes using high power
Penicillium completely disrupted in 3 minutes
Pesticides ultrasonic treatment resulted in a 16 fold improvement in the potency of the antigen used with Microcrystalline cellulose as a thin layer adsorbent for chromatographic separation
Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase the most potent inhibitors for this enzyme were obtained by making five dispersions
Phospholipids Micelles produced stable preparations for an indefinite period
Plant Cells 30% packed plant cells (W/V) and distilled water (depending on type) can be completely disrupted in 1-15 minutes
Plant Tissue 1 gm dried tissue suspended in alcohol was disintegrated in about 5 minutes.
Platelets completely disrupted depending on size from 20 seconds to 4 minutes.
Pneumococci preserved in formalin for several years; completely disrupted in 6 minutes.
Polio Virus excellent disruption.
Powders are broken down to a small, relatively uniform particle size
PPLO completely disrupted in 2 minutes
Propionobacterium Shermanii 2 minutes for extraction for citrate synthose.
Proteus excellent disruption
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa rapid, completely disrupted.
Pseudomonas Fluorescens 2 gm wet weight in 10 ml, completely disrupted in 1 minute.
Pulmonary Cytodiagnosis the mucus in sputum can be evenly dispersed affording a quick representative sample of cells for cytologic examination. Cells are liberated from the mucus of sputum that had been immersed in 50% alcohol or fixative.
Ragweed Pollen 15 ml solution completely disrupted in 11 minutes.
Rat Bone ¨ö gm completely disrupted in 4 minutes.
Rat Liver completely disrupted in 3 minutes.
Rat Liver Mitochondria completely disrupted in seconds.
Rat Skin completely disrupted 1 gm in 4 minutes.
Red Cells disruption breaks particle size to 100 Angstroms. Complete disruption in 1 minute. 25 gms/100 ml, saline or plasma, sample treated 15 seconds, 35% disruption. Adenosine triphosphate as shown to be membrane bound by this method.
Reovirus dissociates cell-bound and aggregated virus. Maximum titer with 4 ml of virus was achieved in 2 minutes.
RNA rapid and thorough re-suspension of 9 PCA pellets during extractions.
Rocks excellent for disaggregation of sedmentary rock. Excellent for cleaning material rock surfaces between polishing stages.
Saccharomyces Cervisiae (Baker¡¯s Yeast) 9 gm pressed yeast in 18 ml buffer; completely disrupted in 8 minutes. Protein release 52 mg/ml from an aged sample.
Saliva Glands completely disrupted
Salmonella various culture media or phosphate buffered saline disintegrated between 40 and 50% in 10-20 minutes. Disrupting was one step in an improved assay for enzyme thiogalactosize transacetylase.
Salmonella Typhimurium and Enteritidis bacteria were suspended in 1/300 volume of original culture, processed for 4 minutes and centrifuged for 20 minutes and 20,000 g. Extracts were found to catalyze the synthesis of cytidine diphosphate 3, 6-dideozyhexoses.
Schistosoma Mansoni completely disrupted.
Sedimentary Rock completely dispersed flocs with the release of all bound silt and clay particles.
Sediments readily dispersed fine materials allowing quick separation of the sand from silt and clay fractions.
Serial Number Restoration use in crime laboratories to restore obliterated serial numbers.
Serratia Marcescens complete breakdown in 1 minute for a 12 ml concentrated solution.
Serum quickly homogenized
Serum Cholinesterase different cholinesterase isoenzymes may be activated selectively and in activated selectively.
S. Faecalis completely disrupted in 1 minute.
S. Fragilis 5 minutes yielded excellent release of galatokinase; much more than any other method. Sub cellular particles may be extracted or disrupted.
Shale excellent disaggregation of all fine-grained sedimentary rocks.
Shellfish by drilling a clean hole with the microtip, various fluids or samples may be withdrawn or infected from living shellfish without destroying the animals.
Shigella quick disruption.
Skin completely disrupted 1 gm in 4 minutes. Epidermal homogenates can be extracted that are able to respire and utilize substrate.
Soil separated solid particles without the use of oxidants, acids or peptizing agents and yielded stable suspensions.
Sperm (Human) tails are broken instantly; heads are broken in 20 minutes.
Sputum cancer cells are more easily detected after ultrasonic treatment due to even dispersion of cells and sputum, and complete liberation of the cells from sputum.
Staphylococcus concentrated solution, 15 ml, 98% disruption in 10 minutes. With 1 gm cells wet weight, to 2 gm water, 54.5 mg/ml of protein was released.
Starch obtained by extracting from green plant leaf homogenate.
Streptococcus, Group A 20 % suspension in 15 ml solution completely disrupted in 15 minutes.
Streptomyces moncellular elements from surface-grown colonies obtained in 1 minute. 50% disruption in 2 minutes. Completely in 5 minutes.
Sub Cellular Particles may be separated or broken depending upon power selection and length of time.
Sulfanilamide dispersed in less than 1 minute. Continued processing produced complete disruption.
Synovial Fluid disruption is an excellent means of reducing fluid viscosity. The ultrasonic method is both simpler and faster than using hyaluronidase.
Tablets completely disrupted in 2-40 seconds depending on type.
Tea excellent extraction
Tetrahymena disrupted in a few seconds. Enzymes which have been monitored include: succinate, lactate, B-hydroxy butyrate, glutamate and DPNH
oxidases, DPNH-cytochrome C reductase and ribonuclease Specific activity of DPNH oxidase was twice that of the best previous experiments.
Thermoactinomyces disruption of hyphae. Homogenization of protein complex without denaturation.
Thermophile Negative completely disrupted in 2 minutes.
Theromophilic Bacillus isocitrate lyase was extracted from a spore forming bacillus similar to Strearothermophilus. A washed cell paste suspended in phosphate buffer was processed 2 minutes and the supernatant was used for enzymes experiments without further treatment. Extracts could be frozen and stored without loss of activity.
Thiouric Acid dissolved in a few seconds.
Thymus cells completely disrupted in 15 seconds.
Tissue Culture Cells completely disrupted in a few seconds. To avoid damage to free organelles and to obtain intact lyososmes, use low power at short exposure.
Toxin and Antitoxin one example of many: Toxin preparation of whole cell lystate (WCL) of the Inaba serotype strain 569E of the classic biotype of cholera vibrio were grown on 3% Bacto peptane agar and harvested in distilled water in 18 hours. The unwashed suspensions were solubilized by disruption, clarified by centrifugation and the supernat freeze dried for the titration of cholera toxin in the rabbit ileal loop.
Toxoplasma Gondii can be separated from white blood cells without injuring.
T. Pyriformis completely disrupted, 8 enzymes released.
Transplantation Antigens were extracted from spleen, thymus and lymph nodes.
Trichomonas Foetus completely disrupted in a few seconds.
Triolein completely emulsified in 2 minutes.
Trypanosomes completely disrupted concentrated 10 ml solution in 4 minutes.
Tumor Tissue disintegrated much faster than normal tissue.
Uterus Muscle completely disrupted 1/5 gm, 3 cc in solution, 3 minutes for coenzyme Q determination.
Vaccines numerous advantages such as more antigenic material released than usual and the producing of vaccines not obtainable by classical methods.
Various Bacilli completely disrupted in 3 minutes.
Vibrio Comma excellent disruption.
Virus Extraction excellent for making experimental vaccines. Evidence of breakage of virus/antibody bonds. Virus can be extracted at low power without damage, of broken at high power.
Vitamin E 30 seconds disruption put material in solution with a resultant permanent suspension.
W138 Virus Cell free V-2 virus obtained in 30 seconds using 6 ml of Veronal Buffer with W138 cells containing V-2 virus.
Yeast completely disrupted in 3 to 10 minutes depending on type.
Zooplankton completely disrupted in less than 1 minute.

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